

Session Fees


15-minute initial consultation


60-minute Telehealth Individual Session

*Sliding scale if you may be eligible


60-minute Telehealth Family Session

*Sliding scale if you may be eligible

Why choose self pay counseling services?

Unlike insurance-restricted programs that often necessitate adherence to limited protocols, self-pay affords me the opportunity to comprehensively evaluate and assess my clients unique needs and circumstances without the treatment duration limitations commonly imposed by insurance companies. This allows my clients and I to collaborate more effectively, ensuring that treatment is designed and implemented according to their specific needs, goals, and preferences.

Tailored Treatment Plans and Flexibility

My self-pay clients can rest assured that their therapy sessions remain confidential without the interference of insurance companies. Unrestricted by insurer regulations, Iā€™m able to offer my clients a truly safe space to explore their emotions, experiences and mental health concerns. Alongside specifically tailored and implemented treatment plans, this helps my clients attain their desired therapeutic outcomes without the fear of judgment or external exposure to insurers.

Enhanced Privacy and Confidentiality

Reduced Treatment Delays and Expanded Services

 Self-pay allows my clients to bypass the lengthy approval processes and bureaucratic delays often associated with insurance reimbursement. The ability to book appointments promptly grants clients immediate access to the therapy and support that they need. Potential clients are also free to choose me as their ideal therapist, rather than being restricted to a network of providers. who may not best suit their therapeutic needs.